Rep. Huffman Receives ‘A’ Rating on Democracy Reform Scorecard

Huffman Recognized for Efforts to Get Money Out of Politics

January 21, 2020

San Rafael, CA – Rep. Huffman’s record of fighting special interests in Washington was recognized with an ‘A’ rating on the 2019 legislative scorecard released last week by End Citizens United Action Fund. Announced ahead of the 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision that allowed corporations and other groups to spend unlimited resources on elections, the new scorecard tracks Members of Congress’ support for legislation to end the dominance of big money in politics, restore ethics in Washington, and protect and expand the right to vote.

“Dark money and special interests have drowned out the voices of everyday Americans in our democracy,” said Rep. Huffman. “This cycle of corruption prevents progress on the issues Americans care most about – from lowering the cost of health care to reducing gun violence and tackling climate change. I am fighting to reverse the damage caused by the disastrous Citizens United decision and restore integrity to our government, because the American people deserve a democracy that works for all of us, not just big corporations, Mar-a-Lago members, and Donald Trump’s wealthy donors.”

"Congressman Huffman knows that to protect our environment and address the threat of climate change, we must stop the corruption that blocks progress on these issues. He's a champion in the fight to end the dominance of big money in politics and we're proud to give him an 'A' on our 2019 legislative scorecard," said Tiffany Muller, president, End Citizens United Action Fund. 

Along with support for the transformational, anti-corruption legislation titled the For the People Act (H.R. 1), Rep. Huffman received his ‘A’ grade based on his support for legislation to end the dominance of big money in politics, protect American elections from foreign interference, and ensure every eligible voter can cast a ballot free from discrimination.

The full scorecard is available online here.
